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3rd Grade Place Value Tests – Digital and Print


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This resource includes 2 ten question Assessments that cover the Place Value TEKS. The questions are STAAR formatted. Questions cover knowledge of comparing and ordering numbers, expanded form, expanded notation, rounding numbers on a number line, explaining place value relationships, and other place value topics. The assessments are in 2 formats: printable PDF and digital, self-grading Google Forms.

The assessments are created to give you meaningful feedback on student progress with Place Value Content. There are more questions covering the Readiness Standards than the Supporting Standards, as the Readiness Standards are identified as the most critical content for success in subsequent grade levels. Readiness Standards also comprise 2/3 of the STAAR test.

What’s Included?

  • 2 Assessments (Each is 10 questions)
  • Printable versions of both Assessments
  • Digital, Self-Grading Google Form versions of both Assessments
  • Color Coded Teacher Key with TEKS identified for each Question

Topics include:

  • Composing and decomposing numbers up to 100,000 with objects and pictorial models
  • Expanded Form
  • Expanded Notation
  • Word Form
  • Describing Place Value relationships in the Base-10 number system
  • Representing Numbers on a Number Line
  • Comparing and Ordering whole numbers up to 100,000
  • Rounding on a Number Line

How Can I Use this Resource?

  • Use the 1st test after your Place Value Unit. Based on the results, do targeted reteach and review. Use the 2nd test to re-assess students.
  • Use the 1st test after your Place Value Unit. Use the 2nd test as part of your STAAR Review.
  • Use the 1st test as a pre-test, use the 2nd test as a post-test.

TEKS Alignment:

Readiness Standards
3.2A: Compose and decompose numbers up to 100,000 as a sum of so many ten thousands, so many thousands, so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones using objects, pictorial models, and numbers, including expanded notation as appropriate.
3.2D: Compare and order whole numbers up to 100,000 and represent comparisons using the symbols >,< or =.

Supporting Standards

3.2B: Describe the mathematical relationships found in the base-10 place value system through the hundred thousands place.

3.2C: Represent a number on a number line as being between two consecutive multiples of 10; 100; 1,000; or 10,000 and use words to describe relative size of numbers in order to round whole numbers.