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4th Grade Fractions No Prep Games – Common Core Edition


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This set of ?14 No-Prep Fraction Games? is PERFECT for guided math stations and covers all of the 4th grade Common Core Fraction Standards!!!

Thes ENGAGING games cover:

? equivalent fractions

? simplifying fractions

? comparing fractions

? unit fractions

? decomposing fractions

? adding and subtracting fractions

? adding and subtracting mixed numbers

? multiplying fractions

? fraction and decimal equivalents and

? problem solving with fractions

Most of the games have models to support students’ independent work with each of these skills at a station. Playing the games with or without models will help you differentiate the games for your students.

I have created these games to also function as an activity for you to do with a small group during intervention time. Play against your students. On your turn, think aloud as you model and solve your problem-a clever disguise for a mini-lesson!!! You can offer guided practice to your students during your group’s turn. Each student works each problem out and you are there to support and ask prompting questions. After playing the game, your students now have an activity they can play at a math station.

There are 14 SUPER FUN games inside and I have included both ??color?? and ??blackline??versions of each!!!

Each game also includes a key, so that students have a self-checking math station. Since practice makes permanent, we want to make sure they are practicing correctly!

1. Equivalent Fraction Bowling: use a variety of methods to prove equivalence (4.NF.A.1)

2. Simplify Fractions to Find Equivalent Fractions (4.NF.A.1)

3. Compare Fractions: compare fractions with different numerators and denominators (4.NF.A.2)

4. Unit Fraction Bump: represent a fraction as the sum of unit fractions (4.NF.B.3)

5. Decompose Fractions: decompose fractions in more than one way (4.NF.B.3b)

6. Add & Subtract Mixed Numbers: option to use included models to support the difficult skill of regrouping (4.NF.B.3c)

7. Add & Subtract Fractions: word problem practice (4.NF.B.3d)

8. Multiply Fractions: use models to multiply fractions (4.NF.B.4a)

9. Prove it To Me: Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers using Number Lines (4.NF.B.4b)

10. Party Planner: problem solving practice for multiplying fractions (4.NF.B.4c)

11. Adding Fractions: adding tenths and hundredths (4.NF.C.5)

12. Fraction & Decimal 3-in-a-row: relate decimals to fractions that name tenths and hundredths (4.NF.C.6)

13. Fraction & Decimal Bingo: decimals and fractions on number lines; relating decimals to fractions (4.NF.C.6)

14: Compare & Capture: comparing decimals and fractions with optional support using models (4.NF.C.7)

This is a Common Core specific resource. About two-thirds of the games in this resource are in my 4th grade TEKS Fraction Game set. There is only a 65%-70% content overlap in fractions between the Common Core standards and the TEKS, which is why I created 2 separate products. I don’t want to create a set of games that kind of cover the standards you teach. I also don’t want to put more work on you to figure out which games actually align to your standards. When you buy a product from me, trust that I did my homework and made a product specific to YOUR standards. We don’t have enough days to teach all that we need to, so you surely don’t have time to be teaching standards that aren’t yours. 🙂

If you are a TEXAS teacher, you want this set of Fraction games 🙂

• 11 No Prep Fraction Games for 4th grade TEKS and STAAR prep