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5th Grade Data & Graphing Notebook


SKU: 3042612 Category:


These notebook pages are the perfect way to introduce the types of graphs named in the 5th grade TEKS: Double Bar Graphs, Stem-and-Leaf plots, Dot Plots with whole numbers and fractions, and Scatterplots. TEKS covered by this resource: 5.9A, 5.9B, & 5.9C.


This resource is part of my 5th Grade TEKS aligned Data & Graphs Bundle:

5th Grade TEKS Grpahs & Data Bundle

This resource is designed to work seamlessly with these other resources included in the bundle:

Bar Graph Task Cards

TEKS Aligned Exit Slips: Data & Graphs 5.9A, 5.9B, 5.9C

5th Grade Class Data Book: TEKS aligned Hands-on data collection and analysis

Stem-and-Leaf Plot: Hands on Cut & Paste Activity


The notebook pages are designed to help you introduce the different types of graphs to your students. The student page has blank data and space to fill in graph details. The page that follows each student page has the graph details and an example of how the data should be completed in the graph. I didn’t put the word “key” on it, because I wanted to leave you the option of using those pages in a reference book for students.