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Introductions to Fractions – Unit Fractions – Google Slides – TEKS 3.3C, 3.NF.1


SKU: 9877202 Category:


Need an interactive activity to use as an Introduction to Fractions? These fun & engaging slides to learn and practice unit fractions are an excellent introduction to fractions and are aligned to TEKS 3.3C and CCSS 3.NF.1 . Unit fractions are the building blocks of all fractions, so once students understand them, they are prepared for your fractions unit!

What you will love about this resource:

  • Every slide is bright and colorful to capture your students’ attention.
  • Interactive movable pieces keep your students engaged.
  • Video Instructions embedded into the Google Slides make your job easier.

Video instructions for students are embedded in the activity:

  1. Have students who forget instructions as soon as it is time for them to begin working? Students can watch the video instructions before completing the activity at a math station, for seatwork or homework.
  2. Have students who are absent? The video instructions save you time so that you don’t have to explain how to complete the activity to students.
  3. Have a sub? They can watch the video instructions so that they can offer support while students complete the digital activity.

Introduction to Fractions – Unit Fractions Topics Include:

  • Matching unit fractions models to the unit fraction
  • Explaining what the Numerator and Denominator mean
  • Naming Unit Fractions

What’s Included in this Introduction to Fractions – Unit Fractions resource?

  • PDF with a Link to make a copy of the Google Slides in your Google Drive
  • Video Instructions (Student devices must be able to access YouTube)
  • 15 student practice slides
  • Key

Ideas on how to use this resource as an Introduction to Fractions:

  • Use it as a whole class teaching tool by projecting the slides and using the movable, interactive pieces to teach your lesson
  • Use this resource as a no prep math station
  • Use it as an early finisher activity
  • Use this resource for small group reteach or tutoring
  • Assign this resource as a lesson for student practice as independent work. the embedded video instructions keep students from interrupting you.
  • Share the digital key for parents and students to check work at home

This resource can be easily assigned in Google Classroom or any other platform compatible with Google Slides. Homeschool parents can use this resource by simply opening it in Google Slides. All you need to access Google Slides is a free Gmail account.

Standards Alignment:

TEKS 3.3C Explain that the unit fraction 1/b represents the quantity formed by one part of a whole that has been partitioned into b equal parts where b is a non‐zero whole number.

Common Core

3.NF.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.