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4th Grade Geometry Tests – Digital & Print


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You and your students will love this 4th Grade STAAR Math Review that covers all the Geometry TEKS. This resource covers classifying triangles and quadrilaterals, identifying parallel lines, perpendicular lines, acute, right and obtuse angles, measuring and drawing angles using a protractor, and more!

These tests were created with the new STAAR test questions guidelines in mind, and include multi-select, free response and multiple choice questions.

Geometry Topics:

  • Classifying 2D figures
  • Acute, Right and Obtuse Triangles
  • Measuring Angles with a Protractor
  • Drawing Angles
  • Lines of Symmetry
  • Identifying points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular lines and parallel lines in figures

What’s Included?

  • 2 TEKS aligned Tests (Each Test is 10 questions)
  • Printable versions of each Test
  • Digital, Self-Grading Google Form versions of each Test
  • Color Coded Teacher Keys with TEKS identified for each Question with room to create your small groups for reteach right on the key!

Great ways to use this resource:

  • Unit Tests
  • Easy-to-Assign Digital Activities
  • No Prep Math Stations
  • STAAR Review

The digital versions of the tests can be assigned via Google Classroom or any platform that supports Google Forms. The questions are STAAR formatted and include the NEW Problem Types. The assessments are in 2 formats: printable PDF and digital, self-grading Google Forms.

The assessments are created to give you meaningful feedback on student progress. There are more questions covering the Readiness Standards than the Supporting Standards, as the Readiness Standards are identified as the most critical content for success in subsequent grade levels. Readiness Standards also comprise 2/3 of the STAAR test.

Each set automatically grades itself when students click submit! I have identified the standard for every single problem in this bundle, to make data tracking super simple.

  1. Easily Differentiate by making a separate copy of the Google Form and eliminating questions or answer choices. This is great way to adjust this resource to align with IEPs or the needs of your students.
  2. Create multiple reviews from this resource, splitting up the questions to use in a variety of ways. Please note that the questions are not editable.

You do not need Google Classroom to use the digital form of this resource, but you must have a Google e-mail to use Google Forms.

TEKS Alignment:

4.6A Identify points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, and perpendicular and parallel lines

4.6B Identify and draw one or more lines of symmetry, if they exist, for a two-dimensional figure

4.6C Apply knowledge of right angles to identify acute, right, and obtuse triangles

4.6D Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size

4.7C Determine the approximate measures of angles in degrees to the nearest whole number using a protractor

4.7D Draw an angle with a given measure

4.7E Determine the measure of an unknown angle formed by two non-overlapping adjacent angles given one or both angle measures