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Equivalent Fractions Game


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This resource includes a Set of 24 Cards will help your students practice matching Equivalent Fractions. This is a perfect Guided Math Station during your fraction unit! The cards can be Used in 3 ways: as a Matching Activity, or to play Memory or Go Fish.

I have included a student recording sheet that you can use for accountability or to take a grade if needed.

They work great at a math station, and they are also a perfect activity to do with your small group. I initially created a card set to practice a skill with a small group instead of using a worksheet and the lesson was so successful that I made more! The other benefit is that I don’t have to run copies for each new group (tutoring, intervention group, etc.l) or every year to practice a needed skill.

I have included one set with a color background and another blackline set if you prefer to print on colored cardstock.

This Equivalent Fraction Card Game is included in my 4th Grade TEKS Fractions Unit and Bundle.

TEKS Alignment:

4.3(C): Determine if two given fractions are equivalent using a variety of methods

Common Core Alignment:

3.NF.A.3b: Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions e.g. 1/2=2/4, 4/6=2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.

4.NF.A.1: Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (nxa)/(nxb) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even through the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.

Additional information

Resource Type


Grade Level

4, 5

Number of Pages


Common Core

3.NF.A.3b, 4.NF.A.1

