The FUN and ENGAGING Subtraction Practice Activities are Perfect for Math Stations or Distance Learning. Students always need to practice their math facts, and they will enjoy these Simple and Easy-to-Use Google Slides.
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This set includes all of the -8 math facts. All Facts 8 – 8 through 18 – 8 are included in this resource.
Topics Include:
- Math Facts practice with a mix of movable pieces and places to type in answers to show true memorization
- Fun Matching Activities
- Number Bonds
- A challenge slide where students find a missing number in the start position of subtraction problems ( ? – 8 = 5)
What’s Included?
- PDF with a link to make a copy of the Google Slides™ in your Google Drive
- 2 Sets of Digital Flashcards for students to use again and again
- 10 Interactive Activities
- Teacher Key
- Directions on how to assign the Google Slides activity to students in Google Classroom™
Standards Alignment
CCSS.2.OA.B.2 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
TEKS 2.4A Recall basic facts to add and subtract within 20 with automaticity.