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4th Grade Place Value Math Journal Prompts


SKU: 2605971 Category:


Math Journal entries offer students the means to work through their thinking, deepen their understanding, and show you what they really know and understand. These are an essential tool for Formative Assessment. These journal prompts cover all of the 4th grade Place value TEKS: 4.2A, 4.2B, 4.2C, 4.2D, 4.2E, 4.2F, 4.2G, & 4.2H.

I absolutely love using math journals in my classroom! They are the perfect way to engage students in deep thinking and assess their understanding.

?Great ways to use these journal prompts?

-No-Prep Math Station

-Homework (that isn’t busy work)

-Exit Task

-Guide a Small Group Lesson

-Tutoring Sessions


This is a TEKS centered resource. While others may be “TEKS-aligned,” they often cover Common Core standards as well. My Texas specific resources cover the TEKS and nothing but the TEKS, so that teachers don’t have to spend additional time sorting through what to use and what not to use. I know how precious each and every school day is; there is no time to waste. As with all of my resources, it is designed with STAAR in mind.

Included are 10 Journal Prompts that cover the following topics:

*10x Greater Place Value Relationships*

*1/10th the Value Relationships*

*Expanded Notation*

*Comparing Whole Numbers*


*Comparing Decimals*

*Equivalent Decimals*

*Decimal Representations*

*Decimal Models*

*Decimals to Fractions*

*Decimals on Number Lines*

Some prompts combine more than one topic.

These journal prompts are designed to seamlessly integrate with my complete 4th Grade Place Value TEKS Bundle which includes everything listed below + lesson plans & 2 unit assessments!!!:

*******Unbelievably Incredible 4th grade Place Value TEKS Bundle*******

The Bundle includes these amazing resources that all cohesively work together:

Place Value No Prep Games

Place Value Notebook

Place Value Printables

Place Value Journal Prompts

Place Value Task Cards

Exit Slips

Expanded Notation Photo Booth Props

Place Value Vocabulary Bunting

Place Value Review Templates

Place Value Teaching Tools

Place Value Card Games

Menancing Minions Place Value Activity