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Expanded Notation Photo Booth Props for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades


SKU: 2606689 Category:


Expanded Notation is one of the most difficult concepts to teach in the Place Value Unit. I found a great way to cover this topic by tapping into my students’ love of all things selfie-related.

Rather than seeing one long equation to interpret, my students saw fun possibilities to create just the right “photo-booth” accessory combination. Once the look was created, students could show it off for the class and everyone had to write down the standard form of the number on a white board.

This was a favorite lesson!!!

There are 7 pages of photo booth props to use for your lesson or to put at a math station and one page of my notes on how I used this super fun resource.

•Pages 3-6 use values from 1-100,000 and can be used in 3rd-5th grades
•Page 7 uses values with tenths and hundredths for use in 4th-5th grades
•Page 8 uses values with thousandths for use in 5th grade

You may be interested in some of my 4th Grade Place Value Resources:
Place Value No Prep Games
Place Value Notebook
Place Value Printables
Place Value Journal Prompts
Place Value Task Cards
Exit Slips
Expanded Notation Photo Booth Props
Place Value Vocabulary Bunting
Place Value Review Templates
Place Value Teaching Tools
Place Value Card Games
Menancing Minions Place Value Activity