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3rd & 4th Grade Place Value Digital Bundle


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This resource includes 90+ interactive Google Slides with movable pieces and video instructions for students. Students will practice Expanded Form, Expanded Notation, Comparing and Ordering numbers, representing numbers with Base-10 Blocks, and Rounding Numbers using a Number Line. These digital hands-on activities can be easily assigned in Google Classroom for math stations, independent practice or distance learning.

Watch the Video Instructions linked below in the description of each activity to get a closer look inside!

You do not need Google Classroom to use this resource, but you do need a Google e-mail to use Google Slides.

What’s Included?

  • PDF with a Link to make a copy of the 8 Google Slides Files in your Google Drive
  • Video Instructions for EVERY activity (Student devices must be able to access You-Tube)
  • Example Slide to further clarify instructions for students
  • 10-15 interactive slides per activity, for a total of 92 slides
  • Movable Pieces on every Slide
  • Keys that are created in Google Slides so that they can be shared with all or select students via Google Classroom to make each activity self-checking

Ideas on how to use this resource:

  • Use it as a whole class (in person) teaching tool by projecting the slides and using the movable, interactive pieces to teach your lesson.
  • Use it for whole class Zoom meetings as a teaching tool.
  • Assign this resource as a lesson for student practice in Google Classroom.
  • Have students create a video (using software such as screencastify) explaining how they solved one problem.
  • Share the digital key with students in Google Classroom for parents and students to check work at home.

Represent Numbers with Base-10 Blocks Topics include:

  • Represent and compose numbers with Base-10 Blocks on more than one way
  • Describing the number of ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands used to represent the number, building understanding of place value relationships
  • Building Place Value understanding as a foundation for Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping. (i.e. 1,000 can be represented as 1 thousand, or as 9 hundreds, 9 tens and 10 ones.)
  • Want to look inside this resource? Watch the video instructions HERE.

Comparing and Ordering Numbers Topics include:

  • Comparing numbers up to 100,00 with the <, >, or = symbols
  • Ordering numbers from least to greatest or greatest to least
  • Want to look inside this resource? Watch the video instructions HERE.

Expanded Form Topics include:

  • Representing the value of numbers with expanded form
  • This entire activity is self-checking. Students pull apart digital expanded form cards to check the expanded form they have typed.
  • Want to look inside this resource? Watch the video instructions HERE.

Expanded Notation Topics include:

  • Representing the value of each digit in a number with place value discs
  • Using the place value disc representation to help students understand expanded notation
  • Writing the expanded notation of numbers up to 100,00
  • Want to look inside this resource? Watch the video instructions HERE.

Rounding to the Nearest Ten Topics include:

  • Determining the tens a number is between
  • Determining the “halfway point” between those tens
  • Representing the number on a number line to help make rounding decisions
  • Rounding the number to the nearest ten
  • Students will round 2-digit, 3-digit, and 4-digit numbers to the nearest ten
  • Want to look inside this resource? Watch the video instructions HERE.

Rounding to the Nearest Hundred Topics include:

  • Determining the hundreds a number is between
  • Determining the “halfway point” between those hundreds
  • Representing the number on a number line to help make rounding decisions
  • Rounding the number to the nearest hundred
  • Students will round 3-digit and 4-digit numbers to the nearest hundred
  • Want to look inside this resource? Watch the video instructions HERE.

Rounding to the Nearest Thousand Topics include:

  • Determining the thousands a number is between
  • Determining the “halfway point” between those thousands
  • Representing the number on a number line to help make rounding decisions
  • Rounding the number to the nearest thousand
  • Students will round 4-digit and 5-digit numbers to the nearest thousand
  • Want to look inside this resource? Watch the video instructions HERE.

Rounding to the Nearest Ten Thousand Topics include:

  • Determining the thousands a number is between
  • Determining the “halfway point” between those thousands
  • Representing the number on a number line to help make rounding decisions
  • Rounding the number to the nearest thousand
  • Students will round 5-digit numbers to the nearest ten thousand
  • Want to look inside this resource? Watch the video instructions HERE.

TEKS Alignment:

3.2A: Compose and decompose numbers up to 100,000 as a sum of so many ten thousands, so many thousands, so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones using objects, pictorial models, and numbers, including expanded notation as appropriate.

3.2C: Represent a number on a number line as being between two consecutive multiples of 10; 100; 1,000; or 10,000 and use words to describe relative size of numbers in order to round whole numbers.

3.2D: Compare and order whole numbers up to 100,000 and represent comparisons using the symbols >,<, or =.

4.2B: Represent the value of the digit in whole numbers through 1,000,000,000 and decimals to the hundredths using expanded notation and numerals.

4.2C: Compare and order whole numbers to 1,000,000,000 and represent comparisons using the symbols >, <, or =.

4.2D: Round whole numbers to a given place value through the hundred thousand place.

Common Core Alignment:

3.NBT.A.1: Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.

4.NBT.A.2: Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

4.NBT.A.3: Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.