Everything you need for a TEKS centered 3rd grade introduction to Multiplication and Division! This comprehensive multiplication and division unit bundle covers arrays, skip counting, and jumps on a number line as ways to represent multiplication and division. It also covers the relationship between multiplication and division, multiplication and division one-step word problems, odd and even numbers and much more!
This unit builds the foundation for Multiplication and Division. It prepares students for the Multiplication and Division Problem Solving Unit.
This TEKS place value resource is also a part of the 3rd Grade Year-Long Curriculum. Check it out and get everything you need to teach 3rd grade math this year!
What 3rd Grade Multiplication and Division topics are covered?
- Arrays
- Representing Multiplication with Repeated Addition, Skip Counting, Jumps on a Number Line and arrays
- Using Multiplication facts to solve Division problems
- Division of objects into Equal Groups, or taking out Equal Shares
- Odd and Even Numbers
- Describing Multiplication as a Comparison
- Finding Missing Factors and Products in Multiplication and Division equations
- One-step word problems
- Commutative Property of Multiplication
- Distributive Property of Multiplication
- TEKS: 3.4D, 3.4E, 3.4F, 3.4H, 3.4I, 3.4J, 3.5C, 3.5D
What’s Included?
- Detailed Lesson Plans (20 day Multiplication and Division Foundations Unit)
- Student Notebook Pages
- Printable Worksheets
- No Prep Printable Games
- Interactive Google Slides Multiplication and Division Activities
- Exit Tickets
- Math Journal Prompts
- Vocabulary Bunting for your Word Wall with all terms aligned to TEA definitions
- Unit Review Task Cards with STAAR formatted questions (both printable and as digital self-grading Google Forms)
- 2 End of Unit Tests with STAAR formatted questions that include the new STAAR item types (both printable and as self-grading Google Forms)
The included resources are designed to work together seamlessly and provide you with plenty of activities to select from for:
- Whole Class Lessons
- Guided Small Group Lessons
- Math Stations
- Assessments
- Intervention
- Tutoring
- STAAR Review
What Printable Resources are Included?
- Student Notebook Pages
- Worksheets
- Hands On Multiplication Tasks
- Hands On Division Tasks
- Skip Counting Cards
- Skip Counting Posters
- No Prep Games
- Math Journal Prompts
- Exit Tickets
- Printable Review Task Cards
- Multiplication and Division Tests #1 & #2
- Vocabulary Bunting for your Math Word Wall
What Digital Resources are Included?
The following sets of Interactive Google Slides with Movable Pieces are Included. Each set has 10 slides with problems or activities.
- Multiplication Making Equal Groups
- Multiplication Many Ways
- Arrays Area Models & the Commutative Property of Multiplication
- Multiplication as a Comparison Word Problems
- Multiplication Mixed Facts Practice
- Missing Numbers in Multiplication & Division Equations
- Division Fair Shares Word Problems
- Division Taking Out Equal Groups Word Problems
- Use Multiplication to Solve Division
- Dividing by 2 to find Even and Odd Numbers
The following resources are Self-Grading Google Forms.
- Digital Review Task Cards
- Multiplication and Division Test #1
- Multiplication and Division Test #2
A Digital Version of the Place Value Vocabulary Bunting is also included in Google Slides.